Add rows and columns.
fullRow(...) fullColumn(...) pageRow(...) pageColumn(...) multiRow(...) multiColumn(...)
... | any element. |
Wrap columns in row function, see examples.
if(interactive()){ library(shiny) ui <- pagePiling( center = TRUE, sections.color = c("#f3f3f3", "#f4f4f4"), pageSection( h1("Grid") ), pageSection( h1("Columns"), pageRow( pageColumn( h2("First Column"), p("Resize your screen to see columns in action.") ), pageColumn( h2("Second Column"), numericInput("obs", "observations", value = 20) ), pageColumn( h2("Thirs Column"), plotOutput("plot") ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output){ output$plot <- renderPlot({ par(bg = "#f4f4f4") hist(rnorm(input$obs, 10, 3)) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }