Add buttons to your fullPage, pagePiling and multiPage.

fullButton(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

fullButtonTo(..., section, slide = 0, outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

fullButtonUp(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

fullButtonDown(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

fullButtonRight(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

fullButtonLeft(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

fullButtonCustom(..., fun, outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

pageButton(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

multiButton(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

pageButtonUp(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

pageButtonDown(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

pageButtonTo(..., section, outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

multiButtonUp(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

multiButtonDown(..., outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)

multiButtonTo(..., section, outline = FALSE, clear = FALSE)



any other element

outline, clear

set outline or clear button.

section, slide

target section and/or slide.


Javascript function to pass to button.


See example for *Custom button.


library(shiny) if(interactive()){ ui <- fullPage( center = TRUE, fullSection( center = TRUE, h1("Buttons") ), fullSection( fullButton("Visit site", href = "") ), fullSection( fullButtonDown("Move Down", outline = TRUE) ), fullSection( fullButtonUp("Move up") ), fullSection( fullButtonTo("Move to first section", section = 1) ), fullSection( center = TRUE, fullSlide( fullButtonRight("Slide right", clear = TRUE) ), fullSlide( fullButtonLeft("Slide left", clear = TRUE) ) ), fullSection( p("Disables keyboard scrolling"), fullButtonCustom("Custom button", fun = "$.fn.fullpage.setKeyboardScrolling(false, 'down, right');") ) ) server <- function(input, output){} shinyApp(ui, server) }